by the way, i love being able to watch 'lord of the rings' on my ipod while i blog. technology is cool... so here is the story about how my kids and my wife took advantage of all started innocently enough about one or two months ago when anita (that's the wife) began asking if the kids could each get a pet. i said nicely, 'no. we have a cat and i am simply waiting for her to move to kitty heaven, then we can begin to talk about another pet.' this went on for several weeks with anita (said wife) giving more and more information as to what kind of pet each kid wanted: madi a hamster, brevin a cockatiel, and elijah a guinea pig. still being the head of the house i held firm in my decision not to have any more pets despite the pleas and begging and the line, 'pets are good for kids because they help teach responsibility.' so does having a job, but i don't have my kids looking for work at mcdonald's or some other fancy restaurant.
then it happened. as i sat down to eat dinner, which i slaved over the stove for at least an hour, there they were; 3 written reports from each of my kids as to why they wanted their pets and how they planned on taking care of them. not only that, they also explained how they would help pay for the cost of each animal. elijah and brevin offered up some of their birthday money and chose to forgo having sodas when we were out at restaurants. madison was simply going to pay for her hamster by herself. all three ended their reports with an, ' i love you daddy'. totally manipulative.
so we got madison her hamster, sylvia. brevin got a cockatiel; actually we paid for it, but don't get me started as to why it is not in our house yet. elijah got his guinea pigs (moses and elisha), that's right pigs. two. don't get me started on that one either.
but now that we have a veritable farm in our house, i must say that it is all pretty cool. i dig the pigs and the hamster and i know it will be fun to see the bird sitting on the shoulders of my kids. sinclair loves all the animals and it has been fun to see her play with them
enjoy the pics of the pigs, the bird and the hamster. more to follow. pictures, not animals. trust me. i've decided.