
new years resolution

i know that it has been a while since i posted something, but as you can imagine with 4 kids, the holidays can get a bit on the crazy side. so here is a short update...

my brother brian and his wife megan were in town and we got to spend a lot of time with them. it was totally awesome, especially eating at 'the pink chopsticks'. this is the restaurant where we ordered food for sinclar's welcome home/ 1st birthday party.

anita performed at our churches christmas eve services and it both worshipful and beautiful. the cool thing was anita's parents,my parents, and brian and megan were all there as well. after the service we went to chili's for dinner (perhaps a new tradition?).

having sinclair home was totally awesome!

we had a great time with our friends the colemans on new years eve. we were so engrossed in conversation we almost forgot to turn on the tv to watch the ball drop. we actually forgot to open the sparkling cider and wine to make a toast. oh well, we had a blast none the less.

and lastly for new years resolutions; i don't make any. why you ask? mostly because i have absolutely no intention of keeping any, so why create an opportunity for disappointment and sadness? instead my good buddy ed schofield and i are continuing our tradition of "word of the year". last year my word was 'presence' (another post later to explain what that meant in 2008) and this year my word is 'dedicated'. be on the lookout for how that word will play out for me this year.

anyway that is just a short snapshot of the last few weeks...

posting again soon...