
it's been way to long...

i know, i know...all of you are wondering where have i been? it is well over two weeks since my last post, so that should tell you what life has been like for me. anyway here is a few highlights from the last 14 days...

1. finally closed my first deal with bz; hopefully my second won't take so long to close...
2. madi joined the jr. high group at church, i am not so sure i am ready for that...
3. we pretty much are getting our referral from china next month, i know that i am not ready for that. after all we have only been waiting 3 1/2 years...
4. wfg is picking up again and that is really cool...
5. started working on my summer tan...now all i need is the 6-pack abs to go with it...
6. i will be teaching at our church's pre-marital seminar on the subject of 'communication and conflict'. i think i will call it, "how to argue and win every time and get exactly what you want" (anita says all you have to do is flash your boobs). perhaps i will tell about the time anita was so mad at me she threw a pumpkin at my head. good thing i have cat-like reflexes...

well that's it for now. i should get to the next post before the next two weeks are up just in case you are waiting on pins and needles for me. if you're not, just let me continue to believe that you are, it's good for my psyche.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

a pumpkin at your head?!?!
ya, she must have been pretty mad!