
there's poo in my fridge!

or alternatively titled... "why scrubs really is like real life"

if you have not seen the above mentioned video, then stop reading, scroll down, watch the video, and then resume. otherwise this post will make a whole lot less sense and your thoughts (or concerns) about me might be validated.

so...anita took sinclair to the doctor for her one year check up earlier this week. all in all it went not so well for sinclair as drawing blood and sitting for a long time was hard for her to handle. after the inital check up was done, dr. wu asked anita (i wasn't present, so i do not have to help in this) to obtain a 3, count them 3 stool samples from sinclair so they can check for parasites. the only thing they gave us was several small tubes and a plastic bag. if i was there i would have also requested a haz mat suit and a large pair of tongs.

so...'since everything comes down to poo'.. sinclair has "pinched us off a big fat clue" and we now have several plastic tubes filled with poo and some sort of liquid. i have no idea how the poo got there (a plastic spoon perhaps?) and the truth is i don't want to know.

all i know is that there is poo right next to my lemon juice and very close to the milk i love to drink late at night.

perhaps i will only eat food from the pantry until the poo is removed and the fridge has been tented, fumigagted, cleansed, and de-germed.


Dawn Coleman said...

Hahaha! We've done the poo samples too - yuck!! Hope the test comes out ok!

Nick said...

Yes, I would be fasting until the poo was removed. I have major germaphobia.

Hope things are going well for you guys

Unknown said...

I am laughing so hard...the poo could have been collected just prior to going to the doctor, that would have eliminated the "storage" challenge!! You need to watch "Mr. Mom"...remember the scene where he is changing a really bad diaper??? Poor Sinclair, having to be stuck so many times..


Anonymous said...

I feel for Anita whom had to do the collection!