


don't do it matt, don't bring up that topic. not here, not now, please.

well too bad, it's my blog, so read on with caution...

actually, i don't want to write about anything political at all. mostly because several conversations, blog postings, and responses on that very topic has resulted in unjust accusations, hurt feelings, unfair criticisms, miscommunication, misinterpreted statements, and a small but painful family war of words. the bummer was that true dialogue and debate was never really part of the discussion (i'm to blame for my part in this as well). i believe that the issues written about (i.e. health care, taxes) are critical and need to discussed. the question isn't "are these important issues or not", but rather, "what is the best solution to resolve these very complex issues". we may never agree on what is the best strategy, but we can at least come to terms that we all have the best interest of others in mind and care deeply for others in need.

i did not vote for obama. however, i do believe that he has best interest of the united states in mind. i am not convinced that his foreign policy is strong enough, or that his tax plan is actually going to stimulate and grow the economy, or that his stance on health care is the best. all that being said, he is now my president and it is my privilege and duty as a citizen of the greatest country on earth to pray for him, and support him as best i can. there are some in the media who have said that if mccain were elected president they would move to canada. that is both tragic and stupid.

ultimately, the president is not in control. neither is the congress, or the house of representatives, or the state or federal government. God is and always will be in control, no matter who sits in the oval office and what laws and policies he signs. with that in mind i know i can sleep and live and work in peace.

1 comment:

Stockard said...

Politics are so important, and they can suck so much. I am still struggling with certain things about it. I pray for a day when a presidential candidate has ALL of the qualities I look for. Obviously this will most likely never happen. So, like you say, with my best intentions, I vote for who I think will do the best job for our country.

Regardless of anyone's vote, time will only tell. Also, like you said, Obama is not the sole decision maker. That would be BAD. That would be socialist, communist, etc etc. There are a few aspects of Socialism that are good. Government controlling EVERYTHING is NOT one of them. I would never be a supporter of that.

But our tax dollars go to our schools, our police, our fire department, our postal service, etc etc. We seem to be ok with that.

I love you guys. The world keeps turning regardless who's helping to run it. Let's just hope that it is ran well.