well, it has only been two months since i had the chance to put a few thoughts down. as you can imagine quite a lot has transpired since my last post and i don't think i could sum it all up in one post. however a few highlights are probably appropriate for now.
madison got her braces and unlike a lot kids her age, she really was excited to have them. she knows that in a few short month (18 to be exact) she will have straight teeth and an even more beautiful smile that the one she had before the braces. those good feelings evaporated after the first day when they started to hurt and ache. but she is a total trooper and doing well and taking good care of that investment.
brevin wrapped up anpother season of Upwards basketball and this year his offense really came to life. he averaged 10 points a game and played his usual aggressive defense. he has started his 5th year of baseball and is now in AAA. he is one the padres and i have the joy of being his coach. his defense and his hitting are improving with every practice and every game and he loves being around his teammates.
elijah, well what can i say about this boy of mine. he has started his first year of t-ball and is totally loving it. except for the first practice when he was accidently hit in the face and he refused to continue. however, after that little event, he was all good and had a blast at his first game. all you have to do is look at the video below to see what i mean.
anita and i wrapped up teaching and leading a parenting class at church and are looking forward to a little less chaos around the house over the next couple of weeks. i won't be able to tell you in this post how my sweet, innocent, and God-fearing children (not to mention my loving wife) manipulated me and took advantage of my kindness and generosity. i am still bitter about the whole thing and might need some therapy to resolve my issues. or, maybe i can just blog about the whole thing and that might make me feel better.
1 comment:
I love reading your posts, but they can make me sad!!!! I miss you guys
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